Watch our galaxy moving along the Night Sky in this Milky Way Time-Lapse of Bavaria, Germany, shot on Nikon D800 and polished...
This Video is all about Qatar; day, night, activities and wonderful skys of the land, from sands to impressive civilization that one...
This compilation of time lapse sequences was selected as a finalist in the time lapse category in the New Zealand Geographic 2016...
A cinematic time-lapse shot with stunning 4K visuals combined with a dramatic flair of fast camera motion, rack zooms and quick cuts....
This video shows the before and after effect of a drought on a landscape and also the beauty of a drowned forest...
A glimpse into the hustle & bustle of city life captured over 7 years and a variety of seasons.
Passionate photographer Liesel Kershoff chases light and land in this beautiful South Africa time-lapse, featuring a very small, mostly unknown nature reserve...
Danish professional film maker Jonas Høholt, based in Aarhus (Denmark), released what we can probably award as the best Ultra HD time-lapse...
Travel through the Route 44 in South Africa watching Liesel Kershoff’s latest ultra HD time-lapse video shot on a Nikon D750, polished...
Thomas Pöcksteiner (professional photographer at has managed to create one of the most stunning hyper-lapse video of all times, and the most...