Welcome to the famous Gold Coast, Australia’s endless playground of entertainment and adventure: enjoy Joe Capra’s terrific latest time-lapse, video produced for...
“Lake of Dreams – Burning Man 2013”, a 7 minute breathtaking creation signed by Roy Two Thousand, unique in the time-lapse genre.
Starry nights, expansive deserted land, ravines, crevices, green plateaus and rushing rivers are all seen from on the ground and up high...
Enjoy a stunning portrait of Bolivia and Chile in a time-lapse shot with the Samsung Galaxy NX30.
Rob Whitworth: an amazing artist, King of post-production and creator of the flow-motion technique and the one who makes you travel the world in...
Enjoy a different point of view of Los Angeles’ extremely vast terrain of low lying inner city surrounded by sandy beaches, valleys,...
You can call him a genious, and keep awarding his creations with your Best of prizes: still Rob will make your mind...
A short film to eve interest and wonder about The Dish, an object in it’s natural surroundings. Professional photographer Matthew Vandeputte today...
Joel Schat’s time lapse videos are something extraordinary, but his latest nature demo reel.. well, you won’t be missing it!
One of the most awarded time-lapser ever, Enrique Pacheco has mastered the time-lapse technique, reaching the perfection.