We are treated to a series of impressive scenic shots of cities, landscapes and skies, as the camera shows us a range...
Ludi Florales is a darkly unusual collection of short stop-motion video clips by Alessandro Bavari of plant and fungus growth crash edited...
A slightly surreal timelapse trip around Tyo by road and rail accompanied by a mildly discordant musical sound track.
A dramatic high altitude scenic time-lapse of mountains, rivers, lakes, clouds and star-fields shot by Alberto Casse, set to a haunting sound...
Spend less than a week in an extraordinary place, have fun, enjoy your life and create a stunning short Flow Motion video...
Entitled ‘Renewal’ this scenic video is a beautiful study of the Spring in Denmark using a blend of real time and time-lapse...
An impressive time-lapse journey through the dramatic and elemental scenery of Iceland set to a fittingly dramatic and moody orchestral sound track.
A cleverly edited hyper-lapse tour takes the viewer on a visual ‘trip’ through a staggering array of life and scenery of Chiloe...
Nairobi City is presented as an exciting series of time-lapse video clips shot from various viewpoints and at various times of the...
“Pano LA” is Joe Capra’s most ambitious, challenging, demanding, and rewarding project he has worked on to date, shot over a period...