When this movie started, we thought we were looking at the sea. Then we realised we were looking down onto the clouds! Congratulations, Imanol Mujika: absolutely stunning video.
This time the title of the film does reflect the content as we look down into dark skies over the Canary Islands in Spain. Just off the southern coast of Morocco, Canarias is a beautiful place.
The tree silhouette at the start shows the darkest of skies, but lit with literally millions of stars.
The shots are coming fast and furious and the rolling clouds mimic the crashing of the waves in the sea and even look like the sea… but no, we are high above the buildings, looking down onto the pinpoint lights of the places that humans habituate.
The stars revolve, rotate and spin around the clouds, both above and below. The lights of the town look so far away and we feel removed from reality, literally transported up and into the heavens.
The camera picks out some key buildings, architecturally spectacular and a great contrast to the natural beauty around them of the islands. The climax of the movie is a stunning swirl of stars, moving in perfect symmetry as the camera takes charge.
Get ready to watch this, and be amazed, full stop!
Equipment Used
Cameras: Canon 5D Mark II
Lenses: Canon 16-35mm f/2.8
Slider/Dolly: n.a.
Other info: n.a.
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