Jonas Dengler and Martin Heck were travelling through Chile when the Calbuco Volcano erupted (22 April 2015). Together they captured a short time-lapse sequence and footage from the moment of explosion.
Professional time-lapse photographer from Germany, Martin Heck AKA Timestorm Films – which we featured in the past thanks to his fantastic Timedrift time-lapse – has released another cool video using his Canon 6D.
My goal with time-lapse-photography is to capture what can’t be seen by the human eye in combination with the most beautiful landscapes and impressive cityscapes.
Jonas Dengler and Martin Heck were actually heading over south down to Patagonia, after shooting time-lapse sequences at volcano Osorno:
After 10min on the ferry we noticed a massive, almost nuclear looking cloud boiling upwards just were we left a few hours ago. Frenetically looking for a good outlook we then rushed to the only non-forested place to get a decent view of the show.
We quickly put every bit of camera-equipment we could find on the constantly growing mushroom-cloud. We shot timelapses in 8K and 4K with a Pentax 645Z and Canon 6D. On the A7s we shot 4K video to the Shogun using Kingston HyperX SSDs.
You must be lucky in your life to be in the right place at the right time, that’s for sure. Let’s enjoy their crazy output!
Equipment Used
Cameras: Pentax 645Z, Canon 6D
Lenses: n.a.
Slider/Dolly: n.a.
Other info: n.a.
Show your support:
Martin Heck | Timestorm Films on Vimeo