A collection of dramatic, beautiful timelapse footage gathered as our friend Shawn Reeder was travelling to USA and New Zealand’s National Parks. Simply one of the best time-lapse video ever!
As Shawn says:
.. I love being out under the stars, watching the moon light up the sky and landscape, the colors of sunrise and sunset, the energy of storms, the magnificence of the sun as it touches the horizon, hiking the trails, climbing the mountains, playing in the ocean, and just getting to experience the awe inspiring beauty of our National Parks and other amazing locations both here & abroad.
One thing is certain: this is one of the best time-lapse ways to visit these two countries!
Eternal Spectrum is probably the most brilliant work signed by Shawn – if you missed his previous works, you definitely want to have a look at our previous coverage on this great time-lapser.
Watch it in full screen now, and recommend it to your friends if you enjoyed it!
Equipment Used
Cameras: Canon 5D Mark III
Lenses: Canon
Slider/Dolly: Kessler Crane Motion Control Systems
Other info: n.d.
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