400,000 km² of semi-desert area, total darkness at night, and skies across. Welcome to this little trip in the Karoo, South Africa.
Karoo is an arid South African hinterland. It is divided into two parts: the Great Karoo and Central Karoo (Great Karoo in English, Groot Karoo in Afrikaans) and the Little Karoo and southern Karoo (Little Karoo or Klein Karoo). Ka-roo, Khoisan language, means “land of thirst.”
A nice video, finished in LRTimelapse, made by friends of time-lapse S.A. that deserves attention.
Don’t you believe?
Equipment Used
Cameras: n.d.
Lenses: n.d.
Slider/Dolly: Shukuma
Other info: n.d.
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