If Chicago was a chess board, the Wrigley Building would be a White Knight.
A new great time-lapse video of Chicago, post produced using LRTimelapse.
The White Knight is a feature timelapse project Ross Gerbasi and I took on this past October at Chicago’s famous Wrigley Building. If Chicago was a chess board, the Wrigley Building would be a White Knight. The Knight piece in chess represents armored cavalry and is a powerful piece, much like the Wrigley Building. It stands proud in the heart of downtown Chicago along the river and magnificent mile . A Knight is always close to the action and this holds true to the Wrigley Building. One of the things that has always attracted me to the Wrigley Building is it’s unique architecture, it looks like it is adorned with strategically positioned chess pieces up top. It’s a treasure for the eyes with all the unique craftsmanship it contains. I am fortunate to have worked closely with the owners in order to acquire some unique footage from up top, some of which you see here. Also, the word and term Knight and Night go hand in hand with me.
The gear we used to acquire the footage is motion control equipment from Kessler Crane as well as several Canon 5Ds paired with Canon Cinema Lenses. Edited using LRTimelapse, Adobe Premiere and After Effects.
Equipment Used
Cameras: Canon 5Ds
Lenses: n.a.
Slider/Dolly: n.a.
Other info: LRTimelapse
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