We will also be known as champions of the world in terms of football skills, but the Poles are second to none in terms of time-lapse production of excellent quality. This is an example!
The LookyCreative – timelapse cinematography and its director, Patryk Kizny are certainly not unknown in the world of time-lapse of excellent workmanship, even when it comes to HDR. Remember “The Chapel”? Well, that was their stuff.
Today we tell you about the brand new BPS Timelapse Football Match , a video shot in a few hours by 4 teams of people inside and outside the stadium.
The result is phenomenal, and is going well around the world, enjoy!
Equipment Used
Cameras: Nikon
Lenses: Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8G ED AF-S NIKKOR
Slider/Dolly: OmniSlider, 1 DitoGear™ HexaCrane 4.5m.
Other info: n.d.
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