
Eyes wide open for The Eternal Moment of Now by Shawn Reeder

Professional visual artist specialized in photography, timelapse cinematography, and filmmaking: this is our friend Shawn Reeder, and today we’re showcasing his latest creative time-lapse work.

Shawn has worked extensively in California, Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada but recently he’s been on projects in Europe, the Middle East, and New Zealand.

Living in the Range of Light has brought me a life of exploration, adventure, meditation, capturing moments and creating art. Basking in the glory of these mountains I’ve developed a deep love for nature and all it’s subtleties of light, mood, texture, and feeling. Not only have I fallen in love with the natural world and an outdoor lifestyle, but it’s heightened my appreciation of beauty in profound ways, and through its unique culture, instilled in me a deep revere for traveling and a profound appreciation of the art of life.

And, on today’s featured video, Shawn says:

In a world filled with distractions, there’s an art to being present. More than ever we have a million different places outside of ourself to place our attention and yet when we truly tune into the present moment, we realize that’s all there ever really is, The Eternal Moment Of Now.

Enjoy all the other Shawn Reeder’s time-lapse videos which we featured on Time Lapse Network!

We’d love it if you shared your thoughts on this time-lapse in a comment below! 🙂

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