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Eastern Skies II took Mike 4 years to film, countless hours driving from South Carolina up to Maine and several boxes of Cliff Bars.
Mike Zorger shared with us the following details on his video, which was polished using LRTimelapse:
ES2 is a lot different than ES1 for a few key reasons. We used newer cameras for capturing timelapses. We also used cinema cameras that shot in 4K, 6K and 8K resolution. That’s a lot of K’s. We also used the best Drone / Camera combo that currently exists on the market, allowing us to shoot up to 6K. I’d like to thank everyone involved in anyway. I used a lot of my friends kids for ES2 because I love seeing the next generation getting out and exploring some of these places I’m just now seeing for the first time. Please share with any friends, family and enemies.
If you want to know more about Mike Zorger, don’t forget check the following out:
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