Stian Rekdal has already been awarded 4 times here on Time Lapse Network. Today’s video will leave you speachless!
Stian is used to shoot his sequences with a Nikon D800 together with a Dynamic Perception Stage Zero, being able to capture Iceland’s inner marvels.
Using LRTimelapse and Adobe tools, Stian captured the northern lights, or Aurora, a visual manifestation of the sun’s interaction with the earth and it’s magnetic field.
When high speed particles escape the sun, usually because of a coronal mass ejection or solar wind, some of them hit the earth’s magnetosphere. The particles crash with those of our atmosphere and emit light in the process. The color of the light depends on how high in Earth’s atmosphere the particles interact.
Photographing Auroras can be a challenge because of their unpredictable nature.
This video is a short selection of Stian’s favourite shots recorded in the Winter of 2013/2014, in Norway and Iceland.
Have your say, and please leave a comment to the post if you like it!
Equipment Used
Cameras: Nikon D800
Lenses: Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8G ED AF-S NIKKOR, Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye, Samyang 24mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC
Slider/Dolly: Dynamic Perception Stage Zero
Other info: LRTimelapse
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Stian Rekdal on Vimeo