Awe-inspiring shots of the desert under night skies showcasing some brilliant time-lapse videos set to a slow and evocative orchestral audio. A...
A deftly-edited series of weather time-lapse videos showing dramatic examples of Arizona clouds, storms and lightening with a marvellously apt sound track.
Some amazing shots from the beautiful city of Ghent in Belgium, in a time-lapse story told by photographer Jonatan Moerman, polished using...
It is time to enjoy Japan under a new light, the one of Zenith Films Studio the guy behind this new 4K...
Every sunset and sunrise. Every moonrise and moonset. The rise and the trajectory of the Milky Way. The fall and direction of...
A backpacker’s journey through Patagonia is captured through 6,200 images and turned into a time lapse film that will make you want...
A cinematic time-lapse shot with stunning 4K visuals combined with a dramatic flair of fast camera motion, rack zooms and quick cuts....
Be taken in as clouds, rock climbers, sunlight and stars all play on the world famous backdrop of Smith Rock, Oregon in...
The images of this lapse are all from Switzerland, mostly taken at night under the stars. The scenes were taken in the...
Experience the diverse and beautiful landscapes of the United States and New Zealand captured by Fred while taking a year off.