Fast and Slow. Super Wides and Closeups. The Old and the New. Like in all urbanising cities, the extremes are very apparent, and “Shenzhen | China” captures her so well.
The flow of the video is nice and it feels like going through the city in one day – from day to night, though I am sure it took Dimid more than a few weeks to complete this masterpiece.
This video shooted in October-November 2014. I spent in Shenzhen about a month during my second China trip. I liked this city very much because of its good atmosphere, tasty food, gentle people. Shenzhen rooftops deserves special attention, views from mostly of them are awesome.
This city is really good. I recommend to visit it.
What really makes sense about this video is the juxtaposing of moving images. What do you think about it?
Equipment Used
Cameras: Canon 5D Mark III (Magic Lantern)
Lenses: Canon 17-40, Canon 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon 70-200mm f/4, Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 DG II HSM
Slider/Dolly: n.a.
Other info: Giottos carbon tripod
Dimid is an accomplished timelapse photographer from Minsk, Belarus. More of Dimid on Vimeo and Instagram