The Waters of Greenstone has received the ambitious acknowledgment Vimeo Staff Pick for the high quality images proposed. A flying journey over...
It only has a little downside: the audio that accompanies it is sometimes “annoying” because it is too high, so distorted. But...
8,640 shots, a summary of 100,000 made during a 3 month trip to New Zealand for a timelapse epic than 5 minutes.
In New Zealand they have shot the trilogy of “The Lord of the Rings”, did you know it? Now enjoy the beautiful...
New Zealand is in some ways the Paradise on Earth, and a is bit like Iceland is one of those remote lands...
New Zealand is made up of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, and many smaller islands. Its magnificent...
Sacred Earth Time Lapses represents the work of a lifetime, or nearly so. Six years of filming, around every continent (including Antarctica):...