Mini Tutorials

LRTimelapse 4 Video Tutorials: the Basics, Holy Grail and Motion Blur Plus


Learn the basics of the most famous tool for time-lapse photography, LRTimelapse by watching these free video tutorials. Master it by learning more complex techniques like the full automated 3-way ramping of shutter time, ISO and aperture for transitions.

Please note that the below videos, created by LRTimelapse creator Gunther Wegner, are only short overviews and cover the basic aspects. Before watching them, we suggest to read the Basic Workflow for time lapse processing with LRTimelapse.

For more details, tips, and tricks we do recommend to check out Gunther’s E-Book titled Time Lapse Shooting and Processing.

Basic Tutorial for LRTimelapse 4

In this video, Gunther will teach you how to edit and render a time lapse sequence with the new LRTimelapse 4 including the new visual Deflicker.

Day to Night (Holy Grail) Tutorial for LRTimelapse 4

In this tutorial, Gunther will teach you how to edit a day to night sequence, that you’ve shot with the “holy grail” method. We’ll show you, how easily you can even recover sequences, that have not been shot perfectly with LRTimelapse 4.

…and this is the result of the editing from the Holy Grail Tutorial as “Before and After” video:

LRTimelapse Motion Blur Plus

LRT Motion Blur Plus is a technique that will smooth your sequences keeping their natural look and without taking away details. This will of course not substitute working with an ND filter and using the Holy Grail Wizard and Visual Deflicker techniques – but LRTimelapse Motion Blur Plus will significantly add to quality of the output at the very end of the processing chain. (Source).


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