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Two seasons deep in the forgotten and foggy mountains. Epic night sky, thunderstorms, sunsets and sunrises, rivers, streams and waterfalls in 4K resolution shot on Canon 6D and Dynamic Perception slider.
Jiri Bajak shared with us the following details on his video:
Today starts first astronomic autumn day, oficially…although the true ruller in the mountains for a couple of weeks is Autumn and night frosts are no exception!
Regularly the weather will screw us and a lot of shooting attempts will fail…It does not bother us for 4 hours to walk in rain, mist and strong winds on the mountain ridges (actually, it does matter until we get dry :D), nor doesn´t matter when sometimes frozen, because these failures and struggle are then rewarded with an incredible spectacle…just look!
Very soon will be highest peaks of the Jeseníky Mountains covers the first white blanket…and we are prepared!
If you want to know more about Jiri Bajak, don’t forget check the following out: